Economical: The most economical testing option that we know of on the New Zealand market today. Now you can test everyday until you get the answer you are looking for without breaking the bank.
Early Detection: Capable of detecting the pregnancy hormone hCG at very low levels to help minimise the wait. In many instance results can now be obtained as many as 7 days after conception. Well before your next period is due.
High Accuracy: Over 99% accurate
High Quality: Made by a respected manufacturer producing pregnancy tests for companies around the world. These tests have past stringent quality control standards having obtained ISO 12485, ISO 9001 certification, CE Mark and FDA registration. Likewise they comply with the NZ Medicines Act requirements for distribution and are listed on the WAND with Medsafe Ministry of Health.
Test Anytime: Testing can be carried out any time of the day. Although we would recommend that you use first morning urine if testing at the beginning of your pregnancy as first morning urine has the highest concentration of the pregnancy hormone hCG.
Find out Fast: Depending on the concentration of hGC in the urine positive results may be observed as early as 40s. However for accuracy we recommend that you wait for the full five minutes before confirming results.
Extra Wide Format: For ease of reading we have opted for the wider 5mm strip format.
Lengthy Expiry: Our tests have a two year expiry date from time of manufacture.
Easy to Use: Simply dip in the the urine sample, lie flat and read.
Inbuilt Dye Strip: Our tests have an inbuilt pink dye which allows you to observe the urine as it moves along the test strip to the control line at the handle which allows you to see that you have used enough sample to activate the control line and avoid any invalid results. This pink dye then disappears allowing you to accurately read the test once the required reaction time has elapsed.
Quality Instructions: Each test is individually foil wrapped and comes with easy to follow instructions which can be downloaded here.
Why Choose Baby4You Pregnancy Tests?