This extra value twin pack contains 90g Nappymed Relief Ointment and 30g Medi-Skin Gel. Medi-skin Gel aids the skins natural defences to fungal imbalances on the nappy area and supports the skin's response to irritants. Medi-Skin Gel can be applied under the Nappymed Relief Ointment when nappy rash is present.
Nappymed Relief Ointment is an everyday herbal medicated barrier cream for the nappy area. Apply at each nappy change to help create an extra, protective layer to the skin to stop irritation.
Medi-Skin Gel can be applied when skin irritation is present in the nappy area. Can be applied to other skin irritations in babies and children.
Nappymed Relief Ointment: Apply at each nappy change to help create an extra protective layer to the skin to stop irritation.
Ingredients: Nappymed Relief Ointment contains tinctures of Chamomilla 2.5% and Calendula 5% in a natural, paraben-free, greasy ointment base.
♦ Calendula officinalis - is one of the best herbs for treating local skin irritation.
♦ Chamomilla (Matricaria recutita - German Chamomile) - has natural anti-inflammatory properties.
Medi-Skin Gel contains the tinctures Apis 0.5%, Rhus Tox 0.5%, Paeonia 2.5%,
Hypericum 1.5% and Calendula 2.5% in a light paraben-free non-greasy cream base.
♦ Apis mellifica - is indicated for stinging, soreness of the skin
♦ Calendula officinalis - possesses natural antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties.
♦ Hypericum perforatum - Externally is a valuable healing and anti-inflammatory remedy.
♦ Paeonia - Is indicated for itching, burning skin irritations.
♦ Rhus tox - is used where skin is red, swollen and intensely itchy. Soothing to vesicles such as chicken pox.
Homeopathic remedies are drug free and have no known side effects. No animals have been used in the testing of Naturo Pharm homeopathic remedies. Naturo Pharm products are Safe for all the family from youngest to oldest- irrespective of there medical condition, can use this product. This range does not contain stimulants or banned substances.
This extra value twin pack contains 90g Nappymed Relief Ointment and 30g Medi-Skin Gel. Medi-skin Gel aids the skins natural defences to fungal imbalances on the nappy area and supports the skin's response to irritants. Medi-Skin Gel can be applied under the Nappymed Relief Ointment when nappy rash is present.
Nappymed Relief Ointment is an everyday herbal medicated barrier cream for the nappy area. Apply at each nappy change to help create an extra, protective layer to the skin to stop irritation.
Medi-Skin Gel can be applied when skin irritation is present in the nappy area. Can be applied to other skin irritations in babies and children.
Nappymed Relief Ointment: Apply at each nappy change to help create an extra protective layer to the skin to stop irritation.
Nappymed Relief Ointment contains tinctures of Chamomilla 2.5% and Calendula 5% in a natural, paraben-free, greasy ointment base.
♦ Calendula officinalis - is one of the best herbs for treating local skin irritation.
♦ Chamomilla (Matricaria recutita - German Chamomile) - has natural anti-inflammatory properties.
Medi-Skin Gel contains the tinctures Apis 0.5%, Rhus Tox 0.5%, Paeonia 2.5%,
Hypericum 1.5% and Calendula 2.5% in a light paraben-free non-greasy cream base.
♦ Apis mellifica - is indicated for stinging, soreness of the skin
♦ Calendula officinalis - possesses natural antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties.
♦ Hypericum perforatum - Externally is a valuable healing and anti-inflammatory remedy.
♦ Paeonia - Is indicated for itching, burning skin irritations.
♦ Rhus tox - is used where skin is red, swollen and intensely itchy. Soothing to vesicles such as chicken pox.
Homeopathic remedies are drug free and have no known side effects. No animals have been used in the testing of Naturo Pharm homeopathic remedies. Naturo Pharm products are Safe for all the family from youngest to oldest- irrespective of there medical condition, can use this product. This range does not contain stimulants or banned substances.